Why Don't More People Love Audio?

Can anyone explain why high end audio seems to be forever stuck as a cottage industry? Why do my rich friends who absolutely have to have the BEST of everything and wouldn't be caught dead without expensive clothes, watch, car, home, furniture etc. settle for cheap mass produced components stuck away in a closet somewhere? I can hardly afford to go out to dinner, but I wouldn't dream of spending any less on audio or music.

Showing 1 response by jfunky7

It's an art.. An art of perfection for many audiophiles. With art, not everyone's going to like it - nor have the ear for it.

Then again like many before me.. you can't take your (let's say $70k) audio system around to show-off. It's an internal thing, a natural state of high that people seek out (at all costs!)

Some people are more tuned towards other things/hobbies for their own motives. For me, I can't live without my high-end audiophile reproduction ability.. It's a choice. I'll no longer exist without music.