Ime, real musicians rarely have great stereos at home. There are several obvious reasons (e.g., they want to play, not just sit there), but one is that music is not financially remunerative for the vast majority (see, “Rockonomics” by Alan Krueger.) income in music is concentrated in a small number of superstars, much like income inequality in society, only worse.
Another: stereo systems almost never sound like real music. Sorry. It can be a fair approximation, and can even be “better” in some ways, but it’s not the same. The dynamics of real instruments are extreme. I studied classical guitar in college, and still sort of play, so that sound is my benchmark in equipment. Piano is harder to emulate, much less a symphony.
Another: stereo systems almost never sound like real music. Sorry. It can be a fair approximation, and can even be “better” in some ways, but it’s not the same. The dynamics of real instruments are extreme. I studied classical guitar in college, and still sort of play, so that sound is my benchmark in equipment. Piano is harder to emulate, much less a symphony.