Why don't kids nowadays know about Jazz and classi

I speak to alot of younger people nowadays that have no clue about jazz and classical music. When I was a kid I knew most of the Jazz artists and I was only 14 years old.
That was back in 1974. Today the kids don't even know bands like Allman brothers and the Eagles. Some educators that I know say the kids today are much smarter than my generation. I find that hard to believe. I would love you're imput on this subject.

Showing 1 response by kthomas

My daughter is an avid cellist, constantly exposes herself to classical music, and has an ability to retain knowledge like very few people I've ever met. Her understanding of the music, both the breadth available as well as insight on the individual pieces, surpasses anybody else that I know of any age. The music program she was in while in public school was phenomenal due to the incredible efforts of her teachers, even though they are operating on a budgetary shoestring.

My son does not play an instrument and doesn't know much of anything about classical music, but over time listens to just about every genre imaginable, and avidly.

Both of them regularly have Hendrix, Zeppelin and, yes, even the Allman Brothers cued up. I give them trouble all the time about finally finding some "cool" bands to listen to.

My kids may not be representative of the norm (or they may be), but music is one of the most bonding influences in my family. I'd love to see the funding of the arts reverse it's downward trend, but nothing can kill the inspiration of music.