Why don't kids nowadays know about Jazz and classi

I speak to alot of younger people nowadays that have no clue about jazz and classical music. When I was a kid I knew most of the Jazz artists and I was only 14 years old.
That was back in 1974. Today the kids don't even know bands like Allman brothers and the Eagles. Some educators that I know say the kids today are much smarter than my generation. I find that hard to believe. I would love you're imput on this subject.

Showing 1 response by accorddude

Oh also so you know how well musical rounded I am I play Guitar Piano and Sax. I played in a symphony for 5 years four of which in highschool and one in college. I played in a jazz band for 4 years in highschool, I played in another jazz/blues based band for a year, and I played in a cover band for a year, I curentley play acompany for my girlfriend for her classical seminar, and her comercial seminar.

So I really dont think that some of you guys are right when you say that it is the educational process that has caused a love for rock music or pop. I know what I like I have heard it all and played it all.

Also you guys and your big government rant I see what yall are talking about completley. Here is what I have to say to you about it DO SOMETHING! It seems like their are not enough of us to get something done. I am all about active comunity involvement because of the quality of comunity it brings about which has been lost due to the govenment...well.