why doesnt "cd direct" sound better ??

have a pioneer DV-10ax and when the "cd direct" is turned off through the programming menu, the unit takes on a entirely different sound (beautiful mid and slightly warm on top with rounder / fuller images)..

any idea why ? shouldnt the cd direct sound better ?
I use a Modwright Denon 2900-truth tube mod-when I spoke with Dan at modwright he advised 6 direct on my reciever
was the best way to use the player.I fully agree-it is straight from the denon to the amps-- and sounds
"direct" sounds way better on my anthem. It gets rid of any processing for HT that is involved and acts as a pure pre-amp from my denon dvd. Much cleaner and better for 2 channel, kind of lame for theater though.
My "pure direct" mode on my Denon AV3803 does improve the sound on any source. It gets rid of the video though so I can't see what song or artist is playing on my Dish Serius. I never expected to notice the difference. Less background noise, etc. When I sold Onkyo, I usually said it probably wouldn't make any difference. But then the customers usually had crap for speakers.
thanks for the comeback....

i forgot to mention the pioneer dv-10ax is a dvd/cd/sacd player that was their previous top of the line ($6k)...
I suspect the Pioneer, and other receivers mentioned, "process" or "blend" the left/right channels in stereo mode whereas in direct it is pure left/right only. This is what the Denon I used to have did and I suspect the Pioneer and others are the same. Your user manual should explain the stereo mode effect.
I think it depends on the recording. I have the same feature on both of my recievers(Kenwood ,Marantz) When running an average recording through it without the CD direct-it sounds enhanced-but very listenable(for a reciever) When ran through CD direct it can be very lifeless. It usually prompts you to turn up the volume and then it sounds even worse. When I'm listening to my C-D-E systems,I'm usually doing something around the house that has me out of my reference room. When this is the case I do whatever it takes to make the CD or radio sound better. If I'm "colouring" the music-so be it. Thats why their recievers.................................