Why does the VPI motor thump

Why is it when I turn off my VPI motor I hear a thump through the loudspeakers? The only direct connection to the stereo is the belt.

Showing 3 responses by zavato

I've had a few good turntables. My Thorens never thumped. My Rega always thumped, and my Linn never thumps.

In my opinion, it's a flaw in turntable design. It's easy enough to implement a properly sized capacitor across the on/off switch so that this is never a problem. As a TT Manufacurer, VPI is aware of the thump potential and should design their tables to never thump.

Just another reason why to me VPI always see,s like a work in progress.
It's a thoroughly avoidable problem- that's why it's annoying to encounter in a turntable that frankly is not cheap. There is absolutely no sonic trade off using the larger cap in the first place. As mentioned above it's a 25 cent part.

Yes, you can use the mute button but- 1- we sometimes forget; 2- it's an unnecessary extra step that's really a work around for an inadequately engineered product.

I like VPI designs (and I have a 16.5) but ever since first auditioning an HW-19 perhaps 20-25 years ago, I've been skeptical of VPI as well and nothing over the years has changed that impression.