Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.

Showing 1 response by jazdoc

IMO, people are forgetting that a lot of the music during the 60's also "sucked" and the rate of "suckage" is probably no greater today than in yesteryear. It's just that the better music stands the test of time and continues to be enjoyed while the lesser quality music falls away...I do recall that the 1960's gave us the musical stylings of Herman's Hermits, Bobby Goldsboro and Tiny Tim, all of which were popular in the day.

As I get, ahem, more 'mature', I find myself more open to all kinds of music. I'd hate to miss out on some of the great new music by restricting myself to the music of a bygone era...my $.02.