Why does Audiogon always close a discussion when georgehifi objects to it?

It seems that when like minded individuals want to partake in same discussions, posers like georgehifi can shut it down just by saying they disagree over and over and over and over and over, saying the same thing. Not bringing anything new to the discussions.....

On these threads there are members who have spent a lot of money on Audiogon, are cordial to one another and yet, it means nothing, nothing to the Audiogon monitors. In todays times when people are so divided it’s a shame Audiogon cannot and will not do anything to stop this.

Showing 10 responses by tyray

Can you be specific? IOW. Can you provide specific examples. Or something more than, "It seems like..."
Inquiring minds want to know.
I can't. The threads have been taken down....
“I can't. The threads have been taken down....”

 Thanks wturkey. Good time for some humor here...☺
My Mom’s has since passed some years ago. And if that’s all you got? It explains everything...
what an umpleasant thread

it is unclear why threads are deleted... when mods delete them, there is no record or identification of the reason or the user whose request was acted upon
I guess I should understand. Some folks don’t have anything better to do. Especially at (some of ) our ages. It gets old.
Sorry about your Mother. 😢
jerryg123, there is no need for you or anyone else to feel sorry or make comments on or about my Mother. Here, or anywhere else.

And these are the things that the monitors here seem to condone. Thanks for helping me make my point.
So how do you know if any of these people have spent a dime on Agon?

Like you do? How do you know I don’t?

So why does georgehifi get to ’cancel’ any thread he wishes? I’ve NEVER asked or tried by other means, to get anyone’s thread canceled. And one more thing, I am NOT millercarbon, by any stretch of your imagination.

I have no problem taking the heat. But somebody’s gotta say something. It’s just wrong.

Is that a custom and/or home made audio stand you have in your photos?
I seem to remember reading about something very similar to that here on Agon? And if it is, would you kindly share that thread with me/us here?


What's the matter? Can't take the heat?
Like I said, nothing else better to do. Sad life indeed...
Maybe we should get back to talking about stones. Lol. :-)

Well, at least I got one person to understand my thread...
“Wha, Wha.”
If you find being called “Sunshine” offensive perhaps you need to be weaned from your Moma’s apron strings.
oldhvymec, you’re d**n right. My Mother is off limits.

Now while I got you here. You showed us a link with thousands of locking wheels. Do you recommend any for audio stands for easy (rolling) access to the back of the gear? Are there any you can recommend for damping/decoupling and the type of materials the wheels are made of?  Thanks