Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?

Hello all,

Sometimes I find myself wondering why there is so little newer music in my library. Now, before you start in with rants about "New music is terrible!", I found this rather interesting article on the topic. (SFW)


With the maturing of streaming as a music delivery platform, and the ease of being able to surf new artists and music, it might be time to break my old listening habits and find some newer artists.

Happy listening. 



Showing 3 responses by larsman

Many stop listening to more contemporary music because they are just not interested in exploring past what they already know and like. Nothing wrong with that.

In my own case, I like to hear contemporary music and I am behind by many years on way too much, but that's on me, not on the contemporary music being created. And also, there is just so much more of it than there was a few decades ago! 

@frankmc195 - I think you are probably right; I'm 71, and my tastes are VERY different from most people I know in my age group, who like those jazz/nice music things that I don't like or that put me to sleep.

I got about another 20 years or so before I'm ready for that! 😁