Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?

Hello all,

Sometimes I find myself wondering why there is so little newer music in my library. Now, before you start in with rants about "New music is terrible!", I found this rather interesting article on the topic. (SFW)


With the maturing of streaming as a music delivery platform, and the ease of being able to surf new artists and music, it might be time to break my old listening habits and find some newer artists.

Happy listening. 



Showing 1 response by deadhead1000

I feel sorry for people who don't try new music, whether it's just new to them, new to the music genre, or a totally new music/artist. I'm lucky, I get help from my 10 year old niece to listen to new stuff. Stay connected to young people, it keeps you from being a crotchy old guy.

I think Taylor Swift is fantastic and will rank up there with the great Jazz/Pop singers and song writers. "No Body-No Crime" is as good as any Tom Waits or Bruce Springsteen song. I could image even Bob Dylan writing a version of it.

And there is very good hip hop regardless of some people just absolutely hating it without trying to listen and understand it. Just the same as my Dad hating rock and roll ("Just a bunch of screaming, complaining and banging on drums" -- which also seems to be the complaints I hear about Hip-Hop today), he also saw no value in Elvis and the Beatles. "Give me real music" he'd say. My mother told me a story about how much my grandma hated Sinatra. "Evil music" she'd say to my Mom. My Mom and her sisters then skipped school one day and saw him sing in NYC when she was a teenager.