I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?

Showing 11 responses by n80

Some people do 'brag' about what they have. Some people also dismiss what other people have. Some people are jealous of what others have. Some people have to justify in their mind whey they just spent $50,000 on speakers. The world of audiophiles is no different from the world in general. There are all types. That shouldn't be a surprise.

But, in my opinion, this hobby, like many others, lends itself to these sorts of issues. There is no end to what you can spend, no end to claims of better SQ for more money, etc. Satisfied audiophiles = dead hi-fi market. Hi-Fi thrives on dissatisfaction. 
stevecham said:

" But it is interesting and a bit troubling that those who claim to be audiophiles"

I agree with your statement but this part of it does present some issues. What type of experience does one have to have to claim to be an "audiophile"? I would agree with you, the key is having enough experience to comment on the topic on hand with some level of authority.....but who has experienced everything? And at what point in time do we suspend common sense and healthy skepticism in order to give credibility to some of the ridiculous things some audiophiles advocate....even those who believe in infinite 'tweakability' invariably find some tweaks and processes to be preposterous.

There seems to be a lot of angst and navel gazing in the audiophile community regarding this topic and its variations.
Well of course they are real or else people would not do them and stand by them....right?
I once saw a poster that said something like "The worst thing about being better than everyone else is that they think you are pretentious."

 I think one problem is that people with super high end systems, cable burners, room treatments, special power sources, little brass bells all over the walls as room treatment, etc, etc, etc, will often be a little condescending to those who don't. That sets up a stereotype (ha ha) and then someone innocently posts about how great their new high end system and all its tweaks are....and they get stereotyped unfairly.
stevecham said:

"However, it's a bit sad that someone has the energy and motivation to be uninformed and critical about audio equipment."

Agreed. But I'm sure in the short time I've been here that I've done it.
"Comparison is the thief of joy."

It can be. Sometimes it confirms our choices and suspicions though.

I've only ever had one hi-fi system and I've only had it a short time. I've only ever even heard one or two others. I'm immersed in it now. And I can't find any faults in it.

But surely there are faults in it. Surely my satisfaction is due at least in part to inexperience.

And when I hear about this and that component or descriptions of how they sound I become curious. Part of me wants to know what I'm missing....more out of curiosity than acquisitiveness....but I know if I did hear a dramatic improvement then acquisitiveness could easily become part of the scenario. And I don't really want that.

I have a cheap sports car. I regularly drive it at over 140mph (race track). I know I do not want to drive a better/faster one. I'd have to have it.
tomic601, I love that car.

I drive a mostly unmodified Nissan 350z. Roll bar, race seats, harnesses, HANs, all that. I'm a driving instructor. Would love to feel real grip and real torque....all it takes is money.
Well, I think anyone approaching any internet forum on any subject needs to be a little thick skinned. Its just the world out there and the world can be a mean place.

I think better communication skills would help us all.

I often ask for help on some subject and fail to put my issue in perspective. Subsequently I'll get advice that entails spending thousands of dollars when I'm trying to spend next to nothing. It is perfectly sound advice but not relevant to my needs and budget which I failed to reveal.

Now, when that happens my reaction is NOT to think they are bragging or showing off and quite frankly that has never crossed my mind. I might think they are out of touch with my reality and needs but that does not imply anything wrong with them. I might even think they are nuts for suggesting a $3750 dollar used phono cartridge or a cable burner.....but will acknowledge that in my inexperience I can't say anything objective about such devices/measures.

Plus, we're all free to be nuts about our hobby. I think it helps if we understand and acknowledge that we're nuts and that our chosen form of insanity might not be for everyone.
I agree. There are all types here but for the most part I have found the members here at Audiogon to be extremely helpful and even patient with my ignorance and misconceptions.....and reluctance to spend money.
I'm in the business myself. Very few people who are really 'nuts' ever think they are nuts. ;-)