I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?

Showing 13 responses by calvinj

@stevecham@stereo5. I agree with y’all. I came on only to share my experiences. I’ve been on a unique journey the last 12 years. I have put together a great system at a price point I can afford based on the knowledge I’ve gained. I came on to,share the experiences and it seems like people take it as bragging. I’ve been able to try gear way out of my price range. I’ve been able to have long demos of equipment that I could only dream of owning and I’ve been exposed to a couple of guys who could afford the all out assault systems and I’ve gotten to have long extended listening sessions with them. I’ve developed relationships with people in this hobby that last for a lifetime. It seems like when I share my impressions or experience with gear the claws come out. I might mention how much something costs to give context but some folks think it’s bragging. It’s not I only want to share the impressions of gear that I’ve heard. Also I like to know what others have heard. All I see is a lot of bashing of gear that the bashers have never heard. Some will say it’s the way I phrase things but it’s not. It’s the way THEY read it. There is probably a snooty voice in there heads that reads out loud to them. I hate that the convo flushes into YOU PAID TOO MUCH SO WHAT MY VINTAGE GEAR IS BETTER! But on audiogon that seems to be the case. It turns into you must be a show out etc.  That’s crazy to me cause even though I have quite a bit invested in my system it’s really nothing compared to other guys I know. It would take a lot to wow me in terms of costs because it’s not about that for me. I have nice stuff so what I’m not the only one. I’m only interested in finding the best gear you can get to satisfy your listening tastes. It just turns into a bash party for smarty pants people or the insecure and it shouldn’t be that way. 
Thanks for all of your comments.  I post discussions like this because I like to seriously discuss and find out about music and gear I haven’t heard.  I also like to share gear from little known companies that compete with more expensive stuff.  The more you spend I believe that it is diminishing returns.  My group of audio friends went on a crazy gear trying journey for some years and I have had a blast.   My current system has been steady and I really enjoy it.  I share to encourage those trying to find their happy system place.  I’m at a good spot. Enjoy and carry on! If you like I love it as mom used to say.  
Roxy. If you think the thread is useless or you want me to drop it. I got a better idea why don’t you drop out the thread instead. My questions or threads are not for you to like or approve of. Of course roxy you could stay if you like. But if you don’t i don’t think you will be missed! Carry on!
@stereo5 this is exactly why I asked the question I did. I was perplexed to have people think I was bragging.  I’m just sharing.  I have nothing to brag about. Because I have been exposed to the most expensive stuff and some of the very cutting edge stuff I don’t look at gear like it’s something to brag on.  I try to get the best sound I can without spending the crazy money.  I think I found my personal sweet spot. I hate the people that come on and have no idea what any of the stuff I mention even sounds like. They down it and haven’t even heard it. Geez! 
Sorry but honestly all I seem to get is not responses from some.  I get why this why that.  I ask cause I see it happening.  I ask because I wonder why.  I love this hobby.  I love to explore different sounds and equipment etc. I share not to brag but to help expand knowledge of those in the hobby.  My experiences are unique because I’ve been able to own and hear the lower priced gear all the way to the top in actual listening environments. I love talking audio but I hate the negative energy I see in threads.  I’m just saying.  You don’t have to always read extra info what other people do or say. Yes I have a nice system but there are nicer and better out there and I’m just SHARING NOT BRAGGING! 
Audiogon has become a place like Facebook and twitter where it has become one giant episode of mean girls. It has become a place where instead of sharing and taking information to use in the hobby people automatically think you are bragging and showing off.  In turn they will quickly let you know that because you are an idiot because you paid too much or didn’t pay enough. There are different levels of experience, knowledge and dedication in this hobby that we all need to respect.  I come on to share in hopes of helping others gain from the experiences I have had and to gain from others. I wish all of you the best no matter you can and can’t afford or are willing to pay. Everyone thinks they got it figured out until they realize they don’t!
Well outside of the jokesters or the folks who rag on equipment cause THEY THINK YOU PAID TOO MUCH! Feel free to share any experiences with any equipment you own or have tried. 
Great points.  We all made are choices for a reason. So share and enjoy 1k 50k or 500k. Just enjoy!
@han_n I run into that problem a lot on audiogon. When I mention experiences with the higher end equipment then the judgement wolves come out. My interest is not in the lower end equipment at this point.  I want to hear and share experiences with things that I’m actually interested in buying. The guys who buy the cheaper equipment think im dissing THIER stuff but I’m not. I typically try equipment in the ranges that my other stuff is in.  I pick equipment not because of price. I look at the design and tech and I choose things that match my other parts well. When I mention the prices people rail like I’m showing off caviar or something.  I stop even starting threads because it turns into my cheap stuff is better than your expensive stuff dummy!
Enjoy Mahler123.   I enjoy the experience of trying new gear that challenges what I have now.  Some don’t understand but it’s not for them to!