Please see my post regarding this subject on my eBay site...
Just kidding!!! I like this site better due to it's large, diverse quantity of high quality audio equipment. I used to search ebay high and low through all the mediocre junk just to occasionally find something worthwhile. Looking through the A-Gon listing is like being a kid in a candy shop. I occasionally go back to eBay when I don't find what I am looking for here, but that isn't often.
Just kidding!!! I like this site better due to it's large, diverse quantity of high quality audio equipment. I used to search ebay high and low through all the mediocre junk just to occasionally find something worthwhile. Looking through the A-Gon listing is like being a kid in a candy shop. I occasionally go back to eBay when I don't find what I am looking for here, but that isn't often.