why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.

Showing 16 responses by taters


I never said that. What I did say is that I have heard more expensive cables and moderately priced cables. I said I could hear there was a difference between the cables. I just could not say the more expensive cables were better. Just different.

The only people that can afford the very expensive cables are yuppies. I don't think the companies care if they are audiophiles or not. As long as they can shell out the cash.
Mitch 2,

Those were great comments and I really think you really nailed it on the head. Thank you.

I know the mark ups on cables is crazy! But even the mark up on speakers is very high. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine on what it cost to build certain speakers. (Not to pick on a certain manufacturer) but we were discussing Wilson audio. He figures it cost 20 percent of retail to build a speaker. So for an example. If the Alexia retails for 52k than their cost should be around 10k. I would say that is a very big markup from manufacturing to retail.

You brought up that the difference between a Ferrari and a Toyota is easy to understand. That's why when you buy a Ferrari you are not hearing guys on car forums arguing that the Toyota is better. On the opposite side of the spectrum when a guy spends 50k on cables you are going to get everyone and his brother questioning your purchase. There is no way you can prove your 50k in cables is better than some guys 5k in cables. And that is why I think there is so much discrepancy when it comes to cables.

Just curious, what cables have you had for 20 years and what are you thinking about changing to?

One member here said they had thousands of dollars worth of cable and when they had made some DIY cable it sounded better than the expensive cable so they got rid of it.

It's funny you mention being single and buying more gear. When I go to audiophile shows I get the sense that most of the people attending are single. It seems like being an audiophile and being single go hand in hand. Just my observation. I could be wrong.

My local dealer host an audiophile meeting once a year. He calls it a wienerfest.
Dave b,

You say the cable retails at 15k. Even if I had the money to buy such expensive cables I would never do it. I could not stand the thought of someone making such a large profit margin off my hard earned money. The cables probably cost the manufacturer under 1000.00 to make.

Now with audio components it's not as bad. The mark up from manufacturer to retail is about 5 times. I can live with that.
One thing I forgot to mention. A few years ago I borrowed some different interconnects and speaker cables from the cable company. (They are the one's that have the lending library) the cables I borrowed were 2 and 3 times more expensive than what I currently owned. I listened to them every night for a week. My conclusion was they were different, not better than what I had. Buying them would of been a sideways move. I guess that's why I'm not sold on expensive cables. I think it makes much more sense to put the money into better components or speakers.

They will send you all the cables you want if you are willing to pay the 5 percent of the retail price of the cable plus shipping. They don't provide this service for free.