Why do many discussions about sonic performance disintegrate into technical discusions?

Guys I have noticed that certain members start with technical back and forth in discussions which look like they are self serving, to prove how smart or knowledgable they are, rather then forwarding the OP's original question.

Shouldn’t these discussions be moved into a separate post about technical stuff ie the techical merits of bibolar vs mosfets for example, if these members want to do that?

I think most member don’t care if a Krell amp uses brand x or y for transistors vs a Pass or any other amp, I think most people are more concerned with what the sonic differences there are vs specific technical arguments that are not related to the sonic flavor or design methodologies that these product use to produce their sound, what do you guys think?
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Of course the real irony here is those who raise their voices the loudest in defense of Science and the Laws of Science are often the most ignorant of technological advances in audio that have occurred over the last 20 years. They probably view these developments as some sort of global conspiracy. One need look no further than companies like Telos, Oyaide, Acoustic Revive, HiFi Tuning, Golden Sound, Audio Prism, Audio Magic, Townsend Audio, Mapleshade, Xtreme AV, Synergistic Research, Herbies Audio, Frank Tchang, PWB Electronics, Shakti, Lessloss. Not to mention the boatload of audio products based on Quantum Mechanics.
Why don't we get a little more technical regarding nuts/not nuts/ both of those ? Then we will try to connect it to ancient civilizations, gender differences and similarities and to Maxwell's equations.
Suggested working assumption - no one is normal. And going to be less and less so. Normality is an unknown or perhaps even unknowable abstraction that we may not in fact want.