Why do folks spend more on electronics than on speakers?

Hello, just curious on this subject. I have seen threads where folks ask for advice on how to allocate their budget and this topic comes up. I also see systems posted on various forums where folks have $10K-$20K in gear driving $2K-$5K in speakers and wonder why. I have traditionally been a speakers first person as that is where I have noticed the greatest differences. For those that allocate more on gear vs speakers what are your reasons? No judgement, I am just interested in hearing another point of view.


Showing 8 responses by runwell

My speaker $600 only, and amplifiers is $13000,so  it is more than 21times and my system is really really good. I can listen 8 hours a day.


I purchased focal 905 from a local store, they are focal dealer but they will not continue to be the dealer, so they have demo one, sell to me with $600 Canadian Dollars.

power amplifier Audio research ref 75 se is also a demo one with $10800 Canadian dollars.

pre is  audio research ls 25 mk I , I bought many years ago with about $2000 US dollars. Please noted, it use tube 6922, not 6H30. I have listen a lot of 6h30 pres and I just don’t like it. With 6922 I use very old tube,and the sound is just fantastic.


As I always think, the biggest price you paid in the hifi field is not the money, It is the time and energy you spend on it. You think over and over and try different component and maybe waste some time and some money, in the whole process time, you explore a lot of new things, hardware, software, dealer,connection, and finally you can sit down and enjoy the music. It is not the money, it is a part of your life. Do you agree with me? @dancarlson10 

Right now, speaker capability is far far more than the amplifier capability, and that is the reason.

@mrteeves  it is mainly on technical development level.  So you spend $1000 could get a pair of decent speakers ,but you spend $1000 on amplifier, which is even can't call hifi.

When you need a lot more to catch the pace.

The main idea is the technical level and the amount of money  is just a expression of the technical level.

In other words, they are under development very unbalanced.

You have to spend more on electronic device to catch the pace of the speakers.


@ghdprentice ​​​​​​ no need right now as I always listen in low voice.


@havocman  Don't make the  judge til you listen  the exactly setup.

Some people   just think based on  money, and I will tell you good system is based on your experience, and not on money.

The core is the technical level and money is just the expression.

Right now as I told before, speaker technology is far far beyond the one of amplifier. And focal speaker has huge potential.

Even we talk about pre, some one  under 1k can defeat 10k pre.

You gotta go and listen and select what you need. There are so many information around us which could misleading us, that  is sad.


If that is true to the music system " speakers determined allover level what you can achieve",

Then I can talk the car like that "the wheels determined allover lever what the car can go". Is that a funny judge, right?

But the logic for above 2 sentences are exactly the same.

The true story is any parts matters as a system, and if you want  the system to be excellent, the key point is match, the second  point is match, the third point is still match.