Why didn't I sell my vinyl rig?

I've recently moved heavily into streaming and digital playback.  That system's core is the Denafrips Terminator Plus DAC with an Innuos Zenith Mk 3 / Phoenix USB.  Just added a LHY Audio SW-8 ethernet switch. Great cables all the way around. By most standards this is a reasonable mix of gear.  I run the Innuos Sense App as it sounds better than Roon. Love the convenience of digital and infinite supply of tunes from Qobuz.  My problem is this.  My vinyl rig generally sounds better.  Sometimes by a wide margin. Do others with both rigs have the same problem?


Showing 2 responses by sns

Based on equipment for both sources, I'd expect comparison to be much closer. I can't see anything that stands out as great liability in either. I do know the XP27 is standout phono, was going to be my choice for phono until nice deal on Thoress phono came along. Network improvements are possible but unlikely to close the gulf you're speaking of. You may have to upgrade to top tier streamer to bridge gulf, you'd have to go here in order to beat what is already nice streaming setup.

Estimations of vinyl vs digital superiority is so well reflected in this thread. The variability is great enough that hard and fast conclusions ridiculous. Both setups can be as simple or as complex as one wants to make it, trying to assemble a single system with perfectly equal vinyl and digital performance is likely a rare thing, I'm trying!