Why can't my components just get along?

Ok, I've been reading these forums fairly dilligently for about six months now, and my system recently came up with a new one (bless its dark little soul). I am fairly consistently getting distortion (static and a general fizzle) on certain high range frequencies. Both channels, sometimes more pronounced in one than the other, and arratic. Last night, determined to track it down, my first thought was to turn on the headphone amp (run out of the tape loop on the preamp) and see if it came through the headphones as well. It didn't, so, I figure, a couple of possible sources down. Then I take off the headphones, and it's no longer coming out of the speakers, either. Hummm. After repating the procedure about 7 or 8 times just to be sure I wan't crazy, I confirmed that certain frequencies distort from the speakers when the headphone amp if off, but not when it's on. (I then threw up my hands in disgust, left the amp on, and listened to some music). My question is, what gives? Am I going to have to buy some fancy power conditioner? Is that what I need? The full rundown, if it helps in the diagnostics, is: Ah!Tjoep CDP, VTL 2.5 pre, Bryston 4b-st amp, Headroom for the cans, and a synergistic/monster/dimarzio/kimber mix for the other bits. Its all plugged into a rinky-dink little power strip-surge protector (sigh)--the culprit? The transformer on the pre also appears to be complaining a bit, another symptom of bad power? I know, a long and rambling question, but any guidance would be much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by rockvirgo

Static and fizzle at a specific frequency sounds like a tube resonating to me. Let's hope the new glass does the trick.