I have seen the argument over and over again on why cables matter and the that wire is just wire and how scientifically it’s impossible for them to make a difference. The thing that surprises me the most is that different materials are used. Different shielding is used. Different connectors are used. Different braiding methods of the cables are used. Materials are sourced from different manufacturers and put through different creative processes but I always get some guy who comes on and says. WIRE IS WIRE AND YOU ARE NOT HEARING WHAT YOU ARE HEARING? To me it’s pure arrogance to think you know more than everybody else to the point where you tell me what we are hearing through my ears and we are not smart enough to know when are minds are playing trick on us. But using all these different materials, process and shielding and creative processes don’t make a difference. I spent the last 15 years trying all the cables I could try.  Thoughts anyone?


Showing 2 responses by decooney

@akg_ca "Each side has absolutely NIL-chance of every convincing the other party to change their beliefs."


Man aint that the truth. LOL 🤣. And, what’s even more hilarious and bizarre is how one side argues against something they’ve never actually tried before.

@alaric62 "One uncle insists I should get Bose Cubes and an Acoustimess because "It sounds just as good". He’s never heard my stereo."

And another engineer might tell you to scrap it all and get good headphones with a good headphone amp instead. Whatever floats your boat, and trying is learning.

A good test comparing the PE vs the Kimber cables to get ideas and differences. As you try other vendors and designs, you may detect new differences yet again.

And those who cannot tell a difference, that’s okay, maybe they can stick with the PE cables or others for lower cost. Only the listener can determine if/why different cables "matter" more for them or not. Point is you have to try them to know them, as you did here. For those who try very little and rant on forever, just ignore them.