why balanced power last before component?

I've been thinking of using balanced power to remove gross noise prior to a Sound Application RLS or Hydra for example.
Any reason why not?

Showing 16 responses by ptss

Thanks Ngjockey. I don't follow. Could you explain?
Thanks Lacee. My thinking has been like yours. Thanks for confirming it works ok the the Hydra 2 & 8. Very reassuring to know.
Thanks to all. By the way, has anyone used on older MIT Z Stabilizer 2 with any newer units?
I think you will. Balanced transformers are effective for common mode, choose your 1st one for ability to reduce diffential noise.


Thanks. You're using big guns; your feedback is very valuable.
Where is the 948 now?
Gbart wow.. That's a fine looking unit. So appropriate to have the separate transformer. Where would you suggest for a transformer? Would you suggest some differential blockers?
Very slick work.
Thanks Sabai. Just the kind of information I've been hunting.
I wonder how your medical grade isolation transformer compare to the Equitech 2Q. Any idea?
Hello Sabai. "Block" is an interesting company. I think of quality when I think German made and they reinforce quality in their literature. Just reviewed one of your posts and agree with you entirely "not everything that can be measured matters and not everything that matters can be measured" but I also think science is moving fast in learning to measure more and more phenomena.
I agree, but I might suggest add "knows now". Although not at all scientifically inclined I believe eventually there is a "scientific" answer; even if it's not known for a few centuries. The explosion of knowledge in the past 25 years seems to lead to an increasing learning curve that I don't see abating. Hopefully giving us enhanced listening at home :-).
The final point is interesting.. but misleading -if I understand it to mean the maximum noise attenuation that can be provided by a balanced power system 10db. Can we agree that due to the physics of balanced power there is the potential for a range of "quality" for noise reduction achievable by balanced transformers? I'm surprised the NEC would make a 'blanket' assessment that "noise reduction capability is limited to about 10db". They're not identifying if they're talking about differential or common mode noise; nor specifying any frequency range(s)--both of which are necessary to make a meaningful statement. Don't you agree?
The only reason you don't agree is your present lack of specialized knowledge about "Balanced Power". The statement that individual grounding is more effective is utterly untrue (and I wouldn't want to misinform through my thread). The EQUITECH website has technical articles that would help you understand more than you can discover by simply reading/paraphrasing parts of the NEC. I believe you would find it enlightening. It's also worth reviewing their list of clients, including NASA, CAL TECH, Gemini Observatory, Oakridge Lab, NSF, FAA and the US NAVY, UCLA, Princeton, NPR, and many more. A rather nice list of customers, wouldn't you agree?
Atma, instead of being troubled or suspicious, neither of which sounds like fun; why not turn your 'concerns' into profit?
It sounds like you have a solution for which the need is there. People are obviously spending (wasting?) money on relatively expensive Equitech products to cure the problem-as you describe it. Why not earn good money by tutoring all the designers (you infer there are many) in what you have said is the relatively simple art of proper internal grounding? Or, offer a custom service of rectifying inadaquate/faulty grounding schemes in noisy amps? Since one can easily spend $3000+ for one of Equitech's balanced power products I'm confident many owners would prefer to pay you to fix the problem at the source.
Again, if you don't know how Equitech ( the only one I'm familiar with) balanced power solutions for AC current effect a very significant reduction in line borne power distortions-which benefits the power supplies of ALL audio gear transistor or tube- you may find reading the Equitech technical information to be enlightening. It's interesting you find the problem of AC line borne pollution/noise so simple. I quote ANGELO BAGGINI'S book-HANDBOOK OF POWER QUALITY- "power quality is apt to waiver". Seems to be a huge problem for many. Also, if MARTIN GLASBAND doesn't know about balanced power-I'd like to know who does.
Atma, as a follow up, in Baggini's book there is a section titled
MONITORING POWER QUALITY. In it Andreas Sumper & Samuel Galceran-Arellano open by stating "power quality phenomenon are physical phenomenon that, in many cases, are APPEARING AND DISAPPEARING ARBITRARILY (not based on reason or evidence)." This arbitrariness is something that definitely bothers lesser designers than yourself; so it looks like there is a profitable business opportunity; perhaps a global one. Best regards, Peter.
Jea, technical verbage discrediting medical grade transformers is trivial here. When you're in hospital next then you can worry about them. :-) . Maybe invite Bill in to discuss the topic with you as well as he too obviously knows absolutely nothing about EQUITECH'S patents and products. "Shocking! ;-) ...(all tongue in cheek :-) But, I can't imagine what got into you and Atma; hope it passes.
@gbart. Your generous informative input most valued. I continue ac power refinement pursuit; with ever increasingly refined sound. Is your email unchanged? Thanks. Pete


Late news. Is it possible the new grounding product for shunyata may improve the equitech 2q by filtering the ground?  I also just read fascinating information on Nyquist noise and how Einstein once again had involvement. wow

fwiw, i found using a differential noise removal product before my 2Q works best in my system.