Why aren't the older members still active ?

Just curious who is still very active from 2000 and earlier
on this site? I don't get on very often. I guess I have no opinions or my interest lies elsewhere. I remember in the early 2000s there seemed more interesting and heated topics then now. I cannot even get a rise out of anybody for saying "the Beatles where the worse group ever". I think somebody replied " I am a moron" without stating why he thought they were good. I started a thread in Music: Garage Band Hangover, about a website called Garage Hangover, but like 2 people responded. Some of my favs haven't been on in 3 even 5 years. So why is that?

Showing 2 responses by garebear

.....I have been on this site for over ten years - and I personally got tired of the same people trying to start arguments and one wanted to actually drive and meet me.....I'm still waiting by the way. Others just post just to see their name ( the same member ALL the time ) and offer nothing to the question or to the poster and then I see they move on to the next post and do the same thing. I got tired of THEM...I get ticked at the ones that correct your spelling as I am not a good typist as well....again, the same member on that as well. I also lost interest here - when Audiogon started to charge a '' commission '' when you sold your item ...REALLY !!!!...isn't that what the add fee is for ???? I won't sell here anymore and I recall when adds were only $2.00 and I realize the site has grown and the cost of doing business always gets more expensive....and now you charge me a percentage of what I sold MY item for !!!!! I have gone back to working with dealers ......just my two cents
Hello Danlib 1 - ...your right ! What ever happened to '' Slappy ''....I recall a time when he was either getting dumped or had to dump a girlfreind and we ALL went through that with him and it was hysterical !!!! I too, have wondered what ever happened to him !