Why aren't the older members still active ?

Just curious who is still very active from 2000 and earlier
on this site? I don't get on very often. I guess I have no opinions or my interest lies elsewhere. I remember in the early 2000s there seemed more interesting and heated topics then now. I cannot even get a rise out of anybody for saying "the Beatles where the worse group ever". I think somebody replied " I am a moron" without stating why he thought they were good. I started a thread in Music: Garage Band Hangover, about a website called Garage Hangover, but like 2 people responded. Some of my favs haven't been on in 3 even 5 years. So why is that?

Showing 2 responses by bifwynne

Shubert..., good question, but you really should get on more often. You're missing some really good pissing matches. Discretion restrains me from mentioning names or threads, but a couple of times, several members have practically called each other out.

That's a shame because it's only a hobby. Honestly, I enjoy the science and technology aspects and a number of members are very knowlegeable. I have exchanged a number of e-mails offline from time to time with a few members to learn more about the technical side of our hobby.

Glad to have you back. Cheers!
Gammajo, Hey . . . I'm with you. To echo just a couple of the points you mentioned, at least five pieces of my current rig were purchased from honorable fellow A'gon members. That doesn't include the other buys and sells that are now history.

I have leaned a great deal from many of the folks here too. One kinda interesting tidbit related to a suggestion made here to call a gentleman by the name of Tom Tutay of Transition Audio Design. Tom is one of the best unkept unsecrets out there. About 6 months or so back, I leaned that I was overloading the outputs of my linestage because the input impedance of my subwoofer was too low. Tom made a custom built impedance buffer device that summed L/R channels, lowered the load presented to my LS and corrected an asymetrical loading issue (Main 1 to amp was XLR and Main 2 to sub was SE).

And so forth and so on....

Let's not despair!!
