Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?

I don’t understand why so many people are spending so much money building the ultimate streaming system? I guess I am just out of touch… Would love to hear some reasons streaming is so dominant today.


Showing 2 responses by bubba12

@edcyn agree sir. I just sometimes look around at my 5000 records and 5000 cds and wonder IF I could get along without MOST of it. Not ready to do it yet.

I'm simply not ready to give up my collection of bought music yet. I can play you streams and I would dare someone to sit there and claim there is something missing. I doubt my sanity all the time because I start by playing records but after a couple sides I just would rather sit in the chair and play things at my leisure through streaming.  We have all been given a dream scenario for listening to music and we seem to not be able to accept just how fantastic streaming is. I could buy a condo in Florida with my music collection money and I wouldn't have lost any of the music minus a small number of non streamable albums which I could keep. The question really should be 'why aren't more of us going to streaming only?'.