Why are equipment racks so expensive?

I periodically look through the racks in the sales section and I cannot get over just how darn pricey those things are.  I don't get it.  

I mean I see racks that cost 1, 2 or even 3K.  Really?

I've currently got two Ikea end tables stacked (not the Lack but some other ones) and they work rather well but sometimes I look just to see what's available.  I see the prices.  Then I'm back to being happy with what I've got.

So...why the prices?

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

1. Because someone charges 3-10k for rack doesn't mean you or me will pay it.. I'm with you. 30k amps, 10k DACs, 20k speaker cables.

Someone will pay for sure. Just not me.. BUT I covet none of it.

Admire maybe, covet, never. 225.00 per 24 x 60 x 1 1/2 tier of BBlock. Serious manufacturing and shipping cost I'd say. 1k max for all the parts stain, serious spring loaded dollies and clear coat.. 6K Retail for 3 tiers

What do they pay their labor. 150.00 per hour.. Where is that application form.. I'm game at 67. I can turn out one a day. :-). Heck one a week would pay ALL the bills..

I'm right there having to BUY or BUILD for my new set up. I'll build.  Not a lot of equipment racks that accommodate 2 TT and RtR that don't look just like a recording studio.. Gotta make it..
