Why are EMC-1 s being dumped on market?

It seems everyone is selling their EMC-1 players.
What is suddenly better? Are the new Audiomeca, Naim
or Brand X units a major leap forward? I have been sitting
out the Format War and listening to vinyl. However, I
would like wider selection in new music and would like to
know what is state-of-the-art and/or a good buy. Is the EMC-1 last year's technology?

Showing 1 response by drubin

As I understand things, if you see a lot of Brand X CD players in use in rooms, it may be because Brand X offered to supply these players, not because all of the exhbitors personally prefer Brand X. Thus certain lines tend to look "hot" for one show and then vanish altogether for the next. There have been shows where it seemed you saw ARC gear in every other room. There was hardly any to be seen in New York.