Why a dearth of some brands on the used market?

Hi All - 

I’ve been looking for some of the higher end Cardas power cables on the used market for the past few months. I’ve been pretty surprised how rarely I see them come up for sale. On the other hand, I’ve seen some brands being sold at a much higher frequency. I’ve also noticed that the less expensive Purist stuff seems to also almost never come up… 

I realize the above is a broad blanket statement, so I’ll repose it this way. What are you all looking for, seemingly in vain (or so it seems from the wait time!), for a used item to come up in your desired price range? 


Showing 1 response by bugredmachine

I have budgetary numbers I am comfortable with, typically based on what I may have paid for a product in the past that I want another of. When I see prices beyond what I deem reasonable, I pass, unless I am feely spunky that day and "lowball" someone.

As for many well-known cable brands being in abundance on the used market; are they marketed more than others and simply outnumber competitors and/or are they not satisfying enough to the owners who purchased them (based on the following or curiosity)?  

I sold some less expensive Purist cables very quickly as you pointed out and was happy to do so since they did not light my fire in any way. YMMV

I have never dabbled with Cardas, but you are right, they do not seem to be flooding the market. Maybe that's a sign they are keepers more often than not?