"Whose" Beethoven do you like?

Between, Klemperer's Beethoven, Karajan's, Toscanini's, Bruno Walter's and Furtwanglers Beethoven, who would be your favorite? I have a Toscanini CD recorded in mono, and i am looking for suggestions on complete set of Beethoven simphonies, that are superbly recorded too! Thanks!
I love the Gardiner set. It is the most transparent because it is on period instruments and the performances are excellent, highly recommended. The Norrington is OK not as good to my ears. No one mentions Bernstein. Shortly before his death he performed the 7th at Tanglewood. That is a superb performance.
I bought that Bernstein recording for my parents. They attended that concert at Tanglewood. It is a very unique (and very good) interpretation. Other than the Weller set I mentioned before, I also listen to the Kleiber 5 & 7 mentioned by others. I have older CD pressing than the "DG Originals". I think they are better.
Just to give you a different perspective, Christopher Hogwood and the Academy of Ancient Music did a set which I think is superb. The orchestra size, instruments, and deployment are authentic. These recordings are spirited -- lots of giddyup -- and beautifully recorded on Loiseau-Lyre. You can hear much more detail in the smaller ensemble than in the modern orchestra, and it's closer to the band Beethovan would have had in mind when orchestrating.
Jdeitch11 Well stated and that is why I like the Gardiner. I will look into the Hogwood set.
Gardiner and Hogwood have the ability to make the original instruments sound a lot fuller and robust than most other conductors in that format. I can listen to both of them even though I am not a fan at all of original instruments overall.