"Whose" Beethoven do you like?

Between, Klemperer's Beethoven, Karajan's, Toscanini's, Bruno Walter's and Furtwanglers Beethoven, who would be your favorite? I have a Toscanini CD recorded in mono, and i am looking for suggestions on complete set of Beethoven simphonies, that are superbly recorded too! Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by tubegroover

I must say that I had among the greatest thrills of my concert experience life hearing Beethoven's 9th at Knowles Chapel in Winter Park Florida performed by the Bach Festival Orchestra Choir and Orchestra in December 1999. That is probably the best Beethoven's 9th I'll ever hear.
I love the Gardiner set. It is the most transparent because it is on period instruments and the performances are excellent, highly recommended. The Norrington is OK not as good to my ears. No one mentions Bernstein. Shortly before his death he performed the 7th at Tanglewood. That is a superb performance.
Jdeitch11 Well stated and that is why I like the Gardiner. I will look into the Hogwood set.