Whole House Surge Arrester

I was looking into getting a whole house surge arrester.  The only issue that I ran into was the limited warranty of 5 years.  Basically - what that means is that I will have to change out/replace the arrester every 5 years (by a certified electrician) if I want the warranty.  It's probably $150-$200 labor cost to install (plus the cost of the arrester ~$200), but still seems like an unnecessary expense. I looked around, but it seems that the 5 year warranty seems pretty standard.  Anybody install one with a 10 yr/> $50k warranty?

Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by whart

I have an Eaton, which was well reviewed at the time I bought it. It has two LEDs-which purport to show running state (I don’t know if they accurately reflect that). I have enough occasions to have an electrician here to do other stuff that it isn’t a huge outlay, considering the hi-fi system. I also have a surge panel in the big iso-transformer (10kVa) which feeds the main hi-fi system panel, rather than point of use, and had all connections, breakers, etc. gone over when the system was installed several years ago.

I don’t remember what the warranty is on the fancy $500+ plus whole house surge.

Given the limitations that @jea48  posted above, even if it is a longer warranty, the exclusions may leave you in the same place.

We get the fringes of some crazy storms here in Austin- usually stuff that wipes out towns with flooding, tornados, hail, etc. and wrath of God bolts from the sky. And we are in a fairly protected area, nowhere near the epicenter of these storms. I’ll pull power if it is a really bad one, but so far, have had little reason to do that.