Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?

Sorry, this is probably a completely pointless thread but I'm just simply baffled by even the existence of such incredible products and real curious about the folks who would feel the "need" to own such a component. Are these made just for bragging rights or there actually components out there - up or down the audio signal, that demand something like this piece. I'm asking this independently from the price tag because there are a lot of very expensive things out there ranging from a gold Rolex to a Ferrari and people buy temp for various reasons. Obviously a $50K Rolex will not keep time any better than a $20 Timex. Are these made to cater to the same type of consumers?

Showing 4 responses by joey_v

SOme people want it, some don't get it. 

I would want one in my system if I could... but I can't.  And you know what, I'm ok with that.  

FWIW, I have their Boulder 2060. 
@kalali I doubt that you can lump all Boulder buyers into having large, inefficient speakers.  

Better think twice before making sweeping statements, unless you're just looking to rile people up with Boulders.  I am taking your thread as face value - an honest question that you posted. 

Remember, different strokes for different folks.  You don't have to understand, you just have to have respect for what everyone does.  Be it those people in Dubai or Boulder customers.  
To me I would welcome the possibility of buying the 3060.  I enjoy my 2060 immensely.  It is an awesome piece.  Musical powerful accurate.  The bass is just on point.  The staging is just right.  The extension to the treble is sweet and natural sounding like a good set of tubes.