Who Were Your Mentors

I'm curious about who your audio mentors were, and how they influenced your audio journey and the system you pursued?  Father, uncle, friend, sales dude, local manufacturer, other?

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

No mentor. Just a love for music which goes way back to 8 yrs old. Bought my 1st record player when I was about 10. Got a weekly allowance of $2 which I promptly spent at the local record store for 2 45's. Moved up the ladder as time went on. First really good system happened when I was about 27-28. Harmon Kardon 730 w/ Large Advents. technics TT and Teac tape deck. . That was about 1978. Kept that going til the late 90's. Then I decided to go all out as much as my $$$ would allow. Discovered A'gon & Audio Asylum in 2000. Read a lot and asked a lot of questions. lots of good people w/o attitudes then.I have an advantage over many in that I have listened to & played live music since I was about 12 yr old. Music is NOT a hobby for me but a way of life. Still not sure if I an an audiophile. Don't like female vocals or a lot of jazz. Don't have a need to own every piece of equipment. If the music sounds good, that is what I want. Obviously, the sky is the limit. And I have upgraded over the years. But I don't obsess over the equipment