Yes, ADS speakers well ANOTHER good vintage brand i would like to try
i have seen several YT videos where the guy has some or talks wistfully about some he USED to own !
If they were so good where are they now ? you can only have ONE set of speakers at a time ? OMG i feel sorry for all the wimps and simps who have to kowtow to some shrieking biteothching, and do the WAF arse kissing ! LOL
grow a a pair will you ?
BUT i do HT 11.2 systems at my place, and so NEED a LOT of speakers!
there do seem to be enough survivor ADS around and still working ?
currently ,! the good ADS ones are not cheap and i hear there is still some old guy that can redo the magic goo ! the weird sticky stuff they ladle over the mid and tweeters? ( but for how much longer ? is he training his replacement ? i bet NOT! ) not a good choice for my 15 cats the sticky glob attracts cat hair big time!
WHY did they do that ? adventures in weird industrial science materials choices!
SO, ADS in my future if i live long enough ! can afford to buy them!
would be MUCH easier if you only do stereo!
But OMG the 11.2 HT is GLORIOUS, enveloping ,stupendous! playing music ! MUCH better than mere 2 way stereo ! it is funny i mean there was a time when hi-fi was ONE speaker ! LOL
were there hissy fits leaving the mono speaker audio world ? LOL "it’s going to cost twice as much! "
I am getting together modified ( by Danny @ GR research ) low-end Sony and low & medium end , vintage Yamaha as a sort of proletriat project ( lets find a way to improve the POS yamaha 6490 for the MILLIONS of poor folks who bought them !) GEE! turns out we CAN !
yamaha has only a small cap for tweeter and mid and runs them basicly as FULL RANGE speakers! NO WONDER THEY SOUND LIKE POS !
So even adding ( the right ) cheap ali express 3 way x over CAN and DOES improve them markedly !
YOU are welcome third world ! ANYONE else here helping the poor of third world audio owners? AHA ! thought NOT !
and we are also assembling basicly stock vandersteen and Allison acoustics 11.2 HT systems !
i use a good 3 way tower speakers for L & R and similar laid ( and modified ) horizontal for Center channel !
C channel is THE most important needs to be just as good as L & R ! in HT seldom is! so i mod a tower laid horizontal so it is W,T/M, W tweeter on top of mid ! cut apart a tower make new face plate w/ speakers as i said
the rest of speakers can be 2 way if needed the surround , rear, side atmos etc
the 4 diff brand L & R are on 2 huge 3’ dia turntables w/ casters w/ electric servo motors ( i used paint rotaters they come w/ remote controls ) so the L & R are adjusted for the proper tilt , aim toe in/ out etc i have lasers shooting up to marks on ceiling so all i have to do is rotate them to the marks on ceiling and they are perfectly set up for each brand it is getting a bit crowded w/ 45 speakers in room but i will cut it down to the best single system and 2 nd place will go in bedroom!
then we will sell last place maybe put 3 rd place in shop/ garage !