Who uses ADS Speakers

I worked at ADS in The late 70s and Find they are one of the best home speakers ever.

I always loved their accuracy.


Dear @dougthebiker  : " the Aerials are superb speakers as well. "


You are rigth, M.Kelly is a very knowledge high levels on speaker design. Fortunatelly I own the 2030 but if not probably Aerial could " live " in my system.



ADS threads come up periodically and it’s always nice to see these speakers get their due. I have LL1290 mkII powered by an HK 430 receiver and they sound absurdly good together. I think I paid like $500 combined, maybe 12 years ago. A crazy bargain.

Have run 710's and 910's for nearly 20 years.

710's for vocals and classical.

910's sound good with every kind of music.

For my ear-brain connection and considering my bank account, I have need of no other speakers

Bstbomber. I have only owned the 200’s in my honda civic and still use my L780/2. For a fairly compact speaker the low frequencies are surprisingly present and the mids and highs are still impressive. Sometimes i just play Jimi’s Little Wing just to hear the crystalline bell ring.   My question what ADS have you or would you own and why. 

Have owned the following: l980, l1530, l620, l710, sat 7, s700, l9e and l8e. L980 and the l9e are my favorite, would love to hear the big 2030’s.