who surprised and who disappointed

what artists, groups, etc.. (all types of music) surprised you at how much better they were in person than recorded, and vice versa...who disappointed you big time in person versus their recorded work?

Showing 1 response by entrope

Alice Cooper

Broadway theatrics and rock 'n roll. a performance I will remember for life.


Stunning musicianship


As good live as recorded


Best live band ever?

John Prine

On the back steps of the student union in college- just he and his guitar kept a crowd of 2000 enthralled for 2+ hours

Joe Satriani

Seen is a small venue-guitar licks from another universe

Tina Turner- boring left after and hour
Joni Mitchell- great voice, no charisma. Her back up band Tom Scott and the LA Express was the star of the show
Chicago- Low fidelity venue, no energy

They may have had just bad nights but I left these shows wondering how much studio polish got them where they are.