Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?

Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?  Does that mean audiophile speakers are warm/colored and distorted?   If Studio Monitors main goal is low distortion, does that mean low distortion is not something audiophiles want?  They want what, high distortion?  "Pretty" sounding distortion?  Or find pretty sounding speakers that make bad recordings sound really good?  What is the point of searching out good recordings then?  They won't sound as intended on a highly colored distorted speaker!   

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Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

Studio monitors have a different purpose than “audiophile” speakers. Audio monitors present sound with the venue up fron (and are highly directional as pointed out above)… so very critical mixing choices can be made. The criteria is very different. Audiophiles are into the best possible playback focusing on musicality, natural sound etc. These are very different requirements.

I have a couple friends in the industry and installs Boulder and Mark Levenson in folks that want high end recording studios and stuff like Audio Research into audiophile’s homes as they want musical and natural sound.