Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?

Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?  Does that mean audiophile speakers are warm/colored and distorted?   If Studio Monitors main goal is low distortion, does that mean low distortion is not something audiophiles want?  They want what, high distortion?  "Pretty" sounding distortion?  Or find pretty sounding speakers that make bad recordings sound really good?  What is the point of searching out good recordings then?  They won't sound as intended on a highly colored distorted speaker!   

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Showing 1 response by deadhead1000

I own the Harbeth 30.2 and they are certainly not cold, I find them to be very neutral, clean and clear. I listen for hours on end with no fatigue. I play guitar and piano (poorly I admit) and find the 30.2’s to be very accurate. Vocals sound like a human singing in front of me. 
I will be the first to admit that they do not sound great with heavy or death metal. They make AC/DC sound polite, although Ghost sounds quite good. Just my experience with BBC type monitors.