Who's your guitar daddy now?

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Showing 7 responses by philjolet

John Williams is the best technical guitarist (classical) I have seen. I saw Leo Kottke a few weeks later and he looked like an oaf in comparison.

I really liked Robin Trower live but Richard Thompson, Mark Knofler and Pete Townsend are darn good as well. It is hard to pick a favorite

I think SRV, Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck are good but overrated for my taste

Buck Dharma is my favorite underdog - tasty licks he has
Fripp? Fripp? Fripp? Fripp? Fripp?

spoken like Ben Stein spoke 'Bueller'

BTW whoever mentioned Ben Harper - Fight for Your Mind thanks! I just got it in the mail and am listening for the first time, quite tasty!
i saw clapton in 84 and he is awesome but every song at this concert was the same, in the middle of the song he played a 5 minute solo and then finished it. no imagination or appreciation for the other musicians in the band. either he was catering to the audience or has a big ego i do not know, and he can play but style and taste mean a lot to me as well so i do not pick him for my favorite

fwiw icagas (in case anyone gives a s@#t)

"Expressiveness is another story - Julian Bream was shaking head with disbelive after Nigel North's (Lute) concert."

Impressive comment - I have seen Julian Breem as well and he has a maserful touch

Aldavis check out Jeff Becks new DVD he played a wide variety of songs and nailed every one.