Who's your guitar daddy now?

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Showing 6 responses by kijanki

Newbee - Thank you for Sharon Isbin. I'm just listening to "Romances Latines". The energy is incredible. She has two Grammys but I've never heard of her. It's probably because Grammys presentation turned into hip-hop show.
Sfar - "Dreams of a World" is one of the Grammys and I was planning to buy it next but I am always afraid of Bach. Many excellent guitarists like David Russell are not the best Bach players. I enjoy Stephen Schmidt - Bach "Lute works" played in original form on ten strings classical guitar (Schmidt's design). Glen Gould said onces that Bach is a volcano of energy - so Isbin might have an advantage - what do you think?


"John Williams is the best technical guitarist (classical) I have seen."

Classical guitarists come to David Russel's concerts to see if it's even real (vs. made up in studio).

Expressiveness is another story - Julian Bream was shaking head with disbelive after Nigel North's (Lute) concert.
What about Pat Martino? Guy had brain aneurysm and complete amnesia in the age of 36 at the top of recording career. When he found out that he was jazz guitarist before, he learned to play guitar again and is today probably the best jazz guitarist.
Knownothing - I ordered 3 Sharon Isbin CDs recently - still waiting

Jpgsf - I was not aware that Sharon Isbin plays "Hey Joe". What is the name of the record?
Unoear - Andres Segovia was the great teacher and advocate for guitar music but as a performer lacked technique a little. It is not only Segovia but many musicians and instruments. Technical perfection today is beyond believe. Conlon Nancarrow wrote music for pianola that was impossible to play by pianist - not only because of speed but also strange (breaking fingers) changes. I heard that today some pianist can do it. David Russell plays extremely difficult pieces and I cannot hear single squeak. When I listened to old Segovia recordings I can hear squeaks and dull notes often (same for other guitarists' older recordings). It doesn't change the fact that Segovia played beautifully.