Who's got the best mods for the Sony SCD C333 ES?

I'd like to hear from those who have modified their
C333 ES SACD players. Who's mods did you go with?
Are you satisfied with the sound? I am very happy with
the SACD performance, but would like to improve the redbook
performance of mine. Was it worth the $ you spent?
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Showing 1 response by ehider

From my perspective as an Electrical Engineer who has been in high end audio for over 20 years, I'll put Stan Warren's proprietary output stages up against anything that currently exists! I'm talking Krell, Levinson, Theta, anybody (including the other modifiers). Over the years I have owned various players modified by Warren and they have ALWAYS embarrased the "big ticket" digital competitors in comparisons at local audio salons. Stan has always worked to get the most out of a player by fixing the player's obvious shortcomings, not just doing theoretical mods (cap and reisitor swaps) that some of the other modifiers also offer. Since Stan does not implement the plethoria of minor electrical mods that some of the other modifiers offer, I can only say that I think his output stage is the "best". Unfortunately I know of nobody who has gathered all of the different modifier's units together and done an A/B test, so you'll probably have to base your decision on other people's experiences with individual modifiers.