Who's good at appraising stereo equipment?

I need some help figuring out what my collection is worth if someone could please help?

Valuing used products is tough.  I accept trades for used gear and their is a trick to it.  The Agon bluebook is a good place to start but it uses a simple algorithm to determine value.  Looking at prior sales in Bluebook is helpful but they average full history.  Recent sales are most relevant.  You need to audit a variety of sites to see what things are listed for and assume it is worth about 10% less than list price.  

Sales from bluebook combined with current list price on hifishark, eBay, Agon, etc... is the best way to value things.  
Ebay's prices have been up and down ....all over the board...they  guys selling  sSanyo equipment for Hundreds....Really give me a brake.
Try try Dave Wasserman at Stereo Exchange in NYC. He’s knowledgeable, professional,and most of all honest. 
After searching:
eBay "Completed Items" checkbox
hifishark "Sold/Expired" tab
Some insurance companies have "loss experts" in specific areas. One of my former partners in our stereo shops became one of these specifically for stereo equipment for Metropolitan ins. company.