Who’s been tinkering while trapped?

Have you been using any of your forced isolation time over the last few months to tinker with your HiFi gear between Zoom meetings and reruns on TV?  If so, what have you done, what have you learned, what’s worked and what hasn’t worked?  
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Yep..but not successfully.  Wifey was on a girls weekend so I decided it was a good time to upgrade the quality and shorten the run of my speaker cables by hiding them in the baseboard of my living room.  My speakers have to be on the other side of the room from my equipment rack.  Everything was going great till I hit a water line / manifold that was poorly installed in my 1967 vintage home.  Line was pinched up against the paneling and not round anymore. No where near center of wall.  Took me five minutes to turn the water off. Flooded the frickin living room, hallway and guest room.  Plumbing bill around $800.  Carpets in hall and guest room are dried but a bit smelly for now.  Parquet floors in living room buckled but starting to shrink back to normal.  Wifey not impressed.  Worst part....cables didn't get changed!  On to plan "B"!
moved some furniture around in living/listening room...very happy with sonic improvement...
Wow! I just pulled out my trusty Quantum Clip that I bought from PWB Electronics 20 years ago and treated my entire system with it - Headphones and portable Cassette player, batteries. The Quantum Clip is a weird looking polarizing (in more ways than one!) device used to treat wire and cables and components, etc. I had not thought to use the Quantum Clip I’m some time but I’m glad I did. The music is more powerful and clear. What?! Whoa, daddy!


Animate the inanimate:
