Who Offers a Highly Musical Preamp using a 6SN7 tube and a remote?

Compatible with a Pass Labs XA25. 
Must use the 6SN7 tube.
Also a remote.
Budget to $2k and less than 4 years old. 
Anyone done this exercise lately.

Pass specs-
INPUT  Impedance= 47K
GAIN = 20db

Showing 3 responses by hilde45

Thanks for this list. Even while I'm settling in with my newly modded Quicksilver gear and doing a speaker shoot-out, I've not started a folder on my computer called "End Game" and 6SN7 Preamps this thread is a keeper.

When I was shopping initially, a bunch of these names were on my short list, but my budget was lower for a preamp. I ruled out Supratek because they're made in Australia and that's a long way to go for both purchases and service, which I assume would have to be done locally (maybe?).

I noticed Herron is not on the list but then I realized he doesn't built around this particular tube.

Noticed Blue Circle is not on the list. Are they still making preamps? 


@jond  Thanks. Good to know. Some stuff still circulates used so perhaps not totally irrelevant but probably better options.

@isaacc7 @jackd  I am in Denver and have a great tech nearby. If/when I improve my preamp game, I'll consult with him about older models. I know he really likes deHavilland. I am saving this thread into my "end game folder" and now really have a star next to Supratek and Aric. And Don Sachs.

I hope to borrow a deHavilland Ultraverve III to compare with my Quicksilver to see what differences I hear. I realize that the rest of my system and room needs to be revealing enough, so I won't prejudge too much if I don't hear a large difference.