Who makes an "Auto-Selecting" DAC?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have enough switches to flick and knobs to adjust... and that's before I get to my stereo.

I'm currently running both my CD Transport (via Coax) and iTunes Library (via Airport>Toslink) through a Channel Islands VDA-1. I don't know if this was by design, but the little sucker can detect which input is driving and pass that signal through (and will default to Coax if both are hot).

Very convenient...

I'll be overhauling my system and would like to start auditioning other sub 1K DACS... I'm wondering which ones A'goners have found & loved that have this "Auto-Select" capability (note: the next gen CI DAC now uses an input toggle).



Showing 1 response by cerrot

My Musical Fidelity XDAC V3 is auto selecting. Not sure about the new one.