Who listens primarily to Redbook CD?

My primary (only, actually) source is a CEC TL5 Transport feeding an Audio Note Kit 1.1 NOS DAC through a Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme AES/EBU digital cable. They are both decked out with CT GE power cords, Synergistic Research Quantum Black fuses, Herbie's Audio Lab Tenderfeet isolation footers, plus other misc. tweaks.

Sounds great, and I have very little desire to add another source. Pretty much all the music I want is available on CD, and is usually quite cheap. I hope to upgrade to an AN factory DAC (3.1x/II, or better, would be nice), and a Teo Audio liquid metal digital cable (I have their Game Changer ICs, and absolutely love them!) in the future.

Who else is happy with Redbook CD as their primary source?

Showing 1 response by hifijones

I recently completed the 2nd step in my 3-Step Master plan by upgrading my Redbook CDP from a Linn Genki to a Linn Ikemi. The 3rd step may take some time because the price of admission is still more than I’m willing to pay at the moment: the Linn CD12. But the price has come down quite a bit in the last 5 years and will continue to do so as CDPs’ fall out of favor due to the rising popularity of PC-based playback.

Patience is a virtue....