Who is Roon?

This is an organization that has developed software that consists of a Interface overlay to keep track of Music from streaming services. And create narratives about tons of albums. It’s amazing in all that it does. I have a lifetime membership.

They have a forum that provides assistance from others including all kinds of technical service which is really challenging to deal with should you have problems. They don’t offer phone service.

my question is is this some operation that operates out of someone’s basement? Do they employ thousands of people? Is it a nonprofit organization? Are they doing well financially? Is there a Mr. Roon?

Who are these people that have coordinated this service. Does anybody know anything about this organization?



Showing 1 response by gdaddy1

@mapman   After years of admiration for James Bond I recently came to the  realization that Bond was the one who cheated Goldfinger in their golf game.

First offense... Goldfinger would never find his ball because Bond was standing on it. This forced Oddjob to drop a ball down his pants. Then Bond, cheating again, switched balls in the cup and declared that Goldfinger must forfiet the game. A blatant cheat!

Golf is a game of integrity and I'm disappointed that Bond had to cheat to beat him. Goldfinger was, in fact, the better player and made a hell of a putt on the last hole and deserved the win.