Who is Roon?

This is an organization that has developed software that consists of a Interface overlay to keep track of Music from streaming services. And create narratives about tons of albums. It’s amazing in all that it does. I have a lifetime membership.

They have a forum that provides assistance from others including all kinds of technical service which is really challenging to deal with should you have problems. They don’t offer phone service.

my question is is this some operation that operates out of someone’s basement? Do they employ thousands of people? Is it a nonprofit organization? Are they doing well financially? Is there a Mr. Roon?

Who are these people that have coordinated this service. Does anybody know anything about this organization?



Showing 5 responses by devinplombier


No worries! It's harder to dial it in just right in an online forum as opposed to in person 🙂

Roon is not open source / free, therefore it is superior. In high-end audio, the more expensive products are the better they sound, which is comforting - you get what you pay for - and Roon was happy to oblige. It became such a cash cow in the process that Harman, shrewd enough itself to sell out to a multinational giant, acquired it.




Roon is not open source / free, therefore it is superior.

This is a false statement. Plenty of open source software that is just performant and reliable as any proprietary software.


sorry I have nothing to add about Roon as I don’t use it.

Sarcasm sometimes goes undetected but let the record show that I am a big fan of open source software, and that I use and support it whenever possible. I don’t use Roon either, and I won’t until the day I see an escadron of pigs perform daring aerial maneuvers outside my window.

I've found good info on Roon forums, albeit about subjects that were not directly Roon-related (since I have no use for Roon). Folks there tend to be helpful and often quite competent.

you have no idea who’s responding if they are from roon or from who knows where

From what I was able to discern during my limited exposure, you are better off talking to folks who are not from Roon.


[Roon] is not for the I want free music crowd.

True fact! And who cares about that crowd anyway? They're not Audiophiles. They don't even understand basic facts, like, the more you pay for something the better it sounds. Let naysayers bleat and tinker with their computers. Ignore them.