Who is excited about Capital Audiofest 2023?

I find I am largely ambivalent and not sure if I will go or not.  It’s a nice event and I go most every year but looks like mostly more of the same old same old.   Are these shows really keeping up with the times? Anything really groundbreaking there to see or hear?  I wonder.   Might go tomorrow.   We will see 


Showing 1 response by jallan

I learned that one day only allows visiting perhaps 1/20th of the rooms. I didn’t even make it to the sixth floor. But I did hear some great music.

I agree with a poster above that the GoldenEar 66’s sounded great, not at all bright. Best budget sound I heard. I was especially impressed with the sound in the ModWright room, with ModWright components and the smaller Acora speakers on stands. The various Joseph Audio iterations all sounded excellent to my ears. I heard the outstanding ATC SCM50 amplified speakers and think that the decision to lower ATC speaker prices in the US to more closely match prices in the UK is wise. The ATC SCM40 v2 at $5995 might be the new best value in audio.

I liked the MBL’s (my first stop), with an incredibly open, spacious sound. I felt as if there was a slight metallic sheen on the upper mids and highs, that another here characterized as being slightly bright.

Finally, the sound of the Magico’s driven by the big Gryphon integrated amp at the Command Performance room was terrific. The “light show “ accompanied by electronic music exemplified the cleanliness and power of this system.