Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?

I want to upgrade my digital side … (currently Bluesound Vault 2i feeding the DAC of Oppo 105) … plan to spend around $2k … since I’ve ripped all my CDs to the Vault, thinking of spending it all on a DAC, and retire/sell the Oppo while it still has some value. I do have a few older CDPs I could retain as backup, but not sure why I would ever need.

Alternatively, was considering a better combined CDP/DAC like a newer Marantz or Yamaha … upgrades DAC performance some, and a reliable spinner for quite a few more years … but I have very few SACDs, so feeling like this would be the tail wagging the dog.

In what direction have you been migrating?
Why would you want to create a computer file when you already own the CD? I cannot see any advantages other than a saving in rack space. 99% of all the music I listen to is on CD or SACD, and I cannot see the point of converting them to computer files or ditching my CD player. Although I do own a Bluesound Node 2i and I have a few FLAC files stored on its USB drive, this is limited to music that is not available on CD. So far I have only used 12GB from a 128GB USB drive and although it sounds reasonably good it is nowhere near as good as music played on the CD player.
@orgillian197 Of course you can backup everything. If you keep multiple copies it is a very, very low risk that you will lose it.

I like to have one or two hard drives and a cloud based backup. If the cloud goes out of business I still have my hard drives and can upload everything to another provider. Or if my house burns down I still have the cloud backup (but maybe no stereo to play anything on anymore).
Right now I’m streaming Bandcamp off my iPhone 📱 into a Zen iFi Bluetooth receiver into an Odyssey Etesian pre > Odyssey Khartago > QUAD 21 L. It sounds great. My Marantz HD-CD1 is a fantastic CDP for the thousand or so CDs I have. My 5500 LP library gets played the most. I ❤️ media. Peace 
My CD collection is a lifetime's work- a lot bought at concerts and workshops- having to scroll through a screen is an anathema to me- the whole world is full of zombies with earbuds staring at a little glass tablet or spending their day in front of a screen only to come home to he same (or worse be at home all day in front of one as well). What's so hard about using a CD? My Discmaster is still going strong and is a joy to use with the top opening glass lid and magnetic puck. I have a back-up collection of CD players and DACs should the worst happen.

Also a mistrust in placing my custom with streaming services. Discovering new music used to be about listening to the radio with a pen and paper and talking to fellow music lovers, even reding one of those book things or a magazine, not relying on algorithms.

I sold all my CDs, except for remasters and hard-to-find. I'm now 90+% Amazon Music HD and the rest ripped CDs. So I stream from either an Echo device or my laptop through a  S.M.S.L Sanskrit 10th MK II DAC. Go to Audio Science Review to see distortion specs on DACs. You don't have to spend a lot to reach well below audible distortion levels.