Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?

I want to upgrade my digital side … (currently Bluesound Vault 2i feeding the DAC of Oppo 105) … plan to spend around $2k … since I’ve ripped all my CDs to the Vault, thinking of spending it all on a DAC, and retire/sell the Oppo while it still has some value. I do have a few older CDPs I could retain as backup, but not sure why I would ever need.

Alternatively, was considering a better combined CDP/DAC like a newer Marantz or Yamaha … upgrades DAC performance some, and a reliable spinner for quite a few more years … but I have very few SACDs, so feeling like this would be the tail wagging the dog.

In what direction have you been migrating?

Showing 5 responses by inscrutable

@jperry using the DAC in the Oppo, not the bluesound, and/but wanting to upgrade that too. Eyeing the Audio-Gd R8MkII R2R DAC. It’s that OR if the DAC in a new Marantz or Yamaha CDP is enough improvement. Think that’s doubtful.
Restore from the two backups 😁

But yeah, I’ve been a physical media hoarder too, and still buying. I’ll at least hang onto one of my lesser players to use as transport if ever needed (Oppo BDP-83 and/or Alex Peychev (APL) modded Pioneer DV563A
@deadhead1000 exactly what I am doing now and planning, although still have the CDs and probably have a harder time parting with them (though I should). For all practical purposes the Vault IS the CDP, and don’t think an upper level CDP’s DAC will be as good as ripped and fed back to a stand-alone DAC at same price point.
We dinosaurs find it hard to break old habits 😁

Well, I guess we’ve settled that 😁

I’m with those here who use streaming as a discovery tool, not for critical listening. Might change for me with a better DAC. Just not convinced a new spinner will have an onboard DAC as good as I can get stand-alone. Maybe I do that and hang onto the Oppo for a transport. 
I’m also with those here who like their physical media. More LP than CD … album art, liner notes, etc just SOOO much better (and easier on old eyes) 😁. But still …

sigh …
It has been (is) a fun thread. FWIW, I’ve finally decided. I am replacing my Oppo with a better CDP … Marantz SA-KI Ruby … reportedly a much improved DAC I can feed streaming content (including my CDs ripped to my Vault2i), but also retain improved playback of my CDs (keeping). I’m also interested in how SACD playback sounds on this beast. Not sure I want to pay $35 a pop for new ones, but maybe over time will see some of those on used market. I will still rip all my new CDs still buying to the Vault2i so I can feed my collection to the Node2i in the living room.
Vinyl never leaving, have tables in both listening and living rooms. Still prefer that ritual/experience, and usually the sound (although I expect this new player, especially with SACD, will give it a run and perhaps surpass). We shall see …