Who has more Rock, Tidal or Qobuz?

i have been streaming Deezer for a few years. But I have been looking at a new streamer and very few support Deezer. But they all seem to support Tidal & Qobuz. So I guess it is time to make a switch, and since my musical preference is Rock, I figured, who better to ask. 

Thank you in advance.





Showing 1 response by lordmelton

I’m in the middle of this process now and have been experimenting with Tidal and Qobuz.

Tidal is much less hassle free and I don’t need Hi-Rez because I’ve got all of that on DSD already and I ain’t buying more.

Tidal’s family option is good value considering I’ve got to pay for all my devices with Qobuz.

For CD regular quality Tidal has it. I only listen to rock, not metal.